A Q&A with Nicole Nutrition client: Ysabel

Paint me a picture of what your relationship with nutrition and other health habits was like before working together. What wasn’t working or was frustrating you most?

When we first started working together I had read the Intuitive eating book and the Health At Every Size book and I was excited to start my journey, but realized that some of my disordered thinking from my dieting had crept into my process. Instead of it being intuitive, I felt myself continuing to put rules onto my process and overthinking.

Since working together on your nutrition and wellness, what’s been the most positive change in your health? What about in your life?

I feel like my life is in better balance and in tune with the things in life that I find value in. There are a lot of “shoulds” in the world, and through this process I was able to narrow down what is important to me and make choices that honor who I uniquely am as a person. I was nervous and anxious with my food and doubted that I was doing intuitive eating "right," but then learned that it was a lot more simple than I thought. By working on getting rid of attunement disruptors, I was able to more clearly listen to what my body is telling me and adjust in order to fill those needs.

Did you have any hesitations before working with a dietitian? What pushed you over the fence and convinced you it was worth it?

I did. I doubted that it would work and that I was once again wasting money on something that would not ultimately benefit me. That couldn't be further from the truth. I think just talking to you on the phone and getting to know your caring nature helped a lot. I think working with someone that I feel was similar to me in size was also something I was looking for and someone that would understand my situation.

If you were to tell a friend about working with Nicole, what would you say? Why did you choose her? And why did you choose now?

I would say that she is caring and a great resources of helping you figure out your own personal goals and needs. She doesn't push you in ways that might feel uncomfortable and it was really nice to work with someone that looked like me. Someone that went through some of the same struggles and could validate my feelings and frustrations with dieting and social pressures. I chose to work with her when I did because I couldn't find anyone in my community to share the great new things I was learning, and I needed someone that understood and wouldn't unintentionally slide diet talk into the conversation.

After working with Nicole, I’ve been able to…

develop good routines that support my self care and body intuition that is based on my core values

Together, Nicole and I were able to finally _______, something I’ve been (avoiding/putting/scared to try) off for too long. If you’re on the hunt for a dietitian coach, Nicole is your (girl/person/go-to)! She…

is funny, caring, and able to honor your unique perspective and goals.


Q&A with Nicole Nutrition Client: Sara